Monday, February 23, 2015

A Wedding With The Shekinah

White and pink. Weddings. Baby blue and pink and whiteness of a pure cotton tallit katan under a white turtle-necked knit warm blouse, with a pure clean white Japanese-styled blouse over that. Jewish priestly garments, vestments, imported fabrics, silken scarves draped over blouses like a Tallit, over head like a Tallit, wearing a real Tallit with Tzitzit every morning with Tefillin. The 3-some of T's: Tallit, Tzitzit, Tefillin. 3 Happy Tav's on 4 Adar. It is the happiness of being able to financially afford to pay a half shekel for a stamp, a $.49 stamp to continue a life-long friendship with Her, with the Shekinah. This is all it takes, a half shekel. She is worth every penny and she requires no more, and I can give the Shekinah all my love! Halleluyah!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rewards For The Righteous

Miracles! Victims of glaucoma legally smoking marijuana as gifts from doctors, dining room tables set with the finest foods for the perpetually hungry, rainclouds drifting over one's head black as can be but we are not getting wet, sauntering to Shul every Shabbat only 2 blocks away and consuming large spiritual kiddushes. Snow falling temperatures dropping but not feeling cold just vitalized, water shut off from pipes but cup overflowing with ice water cooling my throat in the nick of time not thirsty. Closets filled to the brim with exotic imported fabric clothing garments fit for a Hebrew priestess, clothes not wearing out forever looking brand new, small white single bed warmed with a goose-down quilt eternally pure, warm sweaters of the finest scarlet wool without moths to eat them without mothballs needed. No bugs on the ground or ants crawling not any cockroaches just crickets calling in the night out of doors to lull one to sleep, no rodents or flies in the slaughterhouse of the temple pristine clean. The best books available, music turned on when desired and angels singing a beat energized now knowing which music when. Fur coats hanging undisturbed not stolen and brushed everyday like a horse, lotions of beautiful fragrances but skin not rough, shavers that stay sharp never getting dull. Lights that do not blind soft white in color and eyes soothed, computer access free never losing data, life without stress easy relaxing predictable also exciting. Rewards for the righteous!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Awaiting Rosh Hodesh Adar: The Coming Of The Sweetness of Spring

Slowly sky-floating in a plane onto a path tonight to Jerusalem to sightsee. Sitting way on top of the Wailing Wall dangling my feet down, kicking them in rhythm onto a huge beige stone brick that's flourishing with the growth of vines on the chipped mortar. Chanting: "...brei pri ha' gafen."

Wandering across the deserted desert into a crowded kibbutz, exhaustedly seated on a soft chair enjoying a Shabbat meal with temple friends, briskly breaking braided Challah comfort bread, smearing on the sap of date honey, sipping and gargling grape juice, singing simple poetic songs, and seeing a cooking campfire burning out back. Walking under 6-pointed stars of David, then squinting to see the new moon on Rosh Hodesh Adar. Smiling as we shuffle in sand in the new moonlight, moody with the miracle of happiness, awaiting the coming of Adar: The Sweetness of Spring.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Miracle! My Mother is 88!

Miracle! Silence, a lonely holiness, and comfort from the Almighty God, even in the middle of a circus tent; to walk and not to hear one's steps, a soft plushy red carpet everywhere, rolled out for royalty, as the poorest of the noblest walks on it onto a throne of dignity. Living in hatred of riches, earning money in a process that robs others of their money to fill your pockets, an ability to earn an honest living, even the poor have something to give, every shekel counts. If the poor pays a nickel to their Shul for the upkeep of the temple, that silver nickel counts as a greater sacrifice therefore as a greater mitzvoth. Respect the righteous man who has nothing, talk to him, for his words are greater than a man who tarries at business instead of Torah study.

Looking for lightness in a sky without a sun on a wintery day, knowing deep in my heart, that there is light even without the sun: there is the lightheartedness of my mother, as she skips through the tulips on her 88th birthday, enjoying every moment. This joy brings sunshine to my window, and keeps the light shining all year round.

Friday, February 6, 2015

One Wet Tear Drop From One God

The miracle of a good cry from a "Dearest Mother Letter From a Daughter," written to her from miles away, a journey across a desert, a land away from home, another time and place, not in Oz anymore.

A letter that pleads for understanding, binah, and chesed, lovingkindness, a letter that summons only one real tear on automatic pilot, stiffening the sinuses, a throat heavy with grief. Grief without anger. No way to come out of grief except with mitzvoth for a mother from a daughter, the true way to true happiness.

Anger purposely lays on the wayside so no one is to blame, not wanting to blame anyone: not wanting to see a dead body on a crucifix to cause sadness to cause a lonely "holiness," not blaming and then hating the Jews as a temper tantrum that would cause a revitalization of energy. Righteousness is being slow to anger, not blaming anyone, feeling sorry for oneself, receiving compassion, then hearing another's sad story, then doing mitzvoth for them and then feeling happiness. If there is any anger following my sadness to revitalize my energy it is at the murderers of the Holocaust and at the ISIS terrorists, the second generation of Nazis.

Old age coming naturally, the almighty One God bringing relief to a crowded heart with the holy aloneness after a good cry. Wondering when and where, I will see God's face again as He gently allows me to have one tear, and then comforts me as a She, a Shekinah, her shoulder to cry on, with a mother's understanding instead of having the sadness and then the hatred that comes with an angry religion that kills.

Shabbat coming tonight to increase happiness with the celebration of a holy day of rest, people praying for dead fathers and mothers, my mother is still alive to read my letters, letters of honesty: heartfelt and sincere. Letters to a loved one, letters in hoping God will keep her alive for another letter, another year, another good cry, another time to feel sadness, and aloneness, but without the anger or hate for another. This is true goodness, real righteousness. Hoping for another good cry that hurts no one.

Singing Halleluyah In The Shower Before Shabbat

The miracle of being a writer, an artist, a poet, like my great, great, great... grandfather King David of the Davidic Lineage of the Mashiach, without a care in the world, but with enough stress to tickle the creative funny bone created within a fairyland environment, thick stone walls circulated surrounding me to keep me safe and sound. Sound mind, sound heart, sound of music coming in chorus's singing all around me from temples to the right and to the left--east of me and west of me, north and south. Righteousness in gobs of Kosher foods, served by waiters and cooked by chefs, on the dining room table everyday on time, always... Companions are sorcerers, jokesters, prophets, shamans. Creativity coming in shofar blasts... the gift of a creative writer, writing as a savior for all of humanity, writing to entertain, to educate, to sing the Song of Songs, as "Halleluyah," to all people! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tikkun Olam As The #1 Method To Feel Spirituality

Miracle! Awoke this morning with a faith in God even though times are tough. Blessings automatically in pilot first thing in the morning "Modeh Ani" never will forget Him. Zohar guiding me, Torah showing me the way, sticking with my guns, as they despair and blame it all on the Jews. Hoping for a reprieve from the demons for loved ones, knowing their desperation must someday cease. Wars in families of coveting, jealousies, then theft, even murder. Follow 613 Commandments, not just 7!

How to become spiritual? At whose cost? Using sexual stimulation to get to God, or using a worship of the dead to get to God, or using Tikkun Olam and mitzvoth to get to God. Which method is valid, which method works, which method does not hurt another, which method is holy? Tikkun Olam, the changing of the world works for me. How to change the world, teaching the holy Word, accepting what we cannot change and changing what we can. Purification in foods, dishware, thoughts, actions, clothes, methods of getting to God. Sadness and mourning of those who cannot get there. Not going to worship dead, not going to "get turned on," not going to succumb to an unholy method to become holy. Not needing a mikvah, whiteness as pure as the outside snow, strength and security as strong as a tree, thirst satisfied even when there is no water, God is blocking all blows. Following 613 Commandments to keep afloat, even when they are not. Davening not meditation, Buddhism does not work for me. Eyes open, ears shut, shoulders relaxed, muscles and blood clean and holy, not going to let this change, ever.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tu B' Shevat and Dancing With The Tree of Life!


Tonight! A miracle will occur! Waiting on miracles, gaining strength through relaxation to meet the spiritual increases, Tu B' Shevat will start tonight after sunset! A miracle of the blessings of the TREES.

Moses threw a piece of wood, a piece of a tree, into the river to sweeten the bitter waters; reading the Etz Hayyim everyday: The Tree of Life; sweetening my disposition with the fruits of Her labors; planting trees and printing books; book bindings secured with thick twine; climbing trees of the greatest of heights and the loftiest of leaves; not worshipping trees--Asherah is no more.

Trees come and go as I walk down the block in my residential neighborhood; everyone has a tree. My mother has a "Golden" tree. I have the rings in the stump of a tree chopped down: the rings of wisdom in an older tree around my middle finger, a wedding band married to The Tree of Life. Ringing chimes like wedding bells tied to tree branches, hearing the tinkling and dancing as the trees shade me from the too-bright sunlight.

Trees. I will be celebrating you all, each and every one of you: tonight and tomorrow. How I have always loved the trees!


The Miraculous Secrets To True Happiness

Miracle! Not dying before I can help someone! The struggle of a family of the Davidic Lineage, great families, living on, producing great thoughts, changing the world, others crying, looking for saviors, they want a Mashiach who must be from Davidic Lineage, they kill off Davids, names changing to "Dave." True Davids speaking about trips to Egypt, suffering with jet lag, helpers healing those who are suffering, they must take more trips to Egypt and then get out again. Living in an Egypt of its own. Israelites battling to keep history alive, bombs thrown on a country that keeps all the secrets of survival, books being burned, libraries laboring to pass books along, people reading secrets as God guides them to the information online. Billions of secrets online, who is the REAL Mashiach? Will you please stand up?! Let us know before they throw you into jail and destroy you?? Sifting through websites instead of flour dough to learn the answers, being blessed to know some answers before I was born: Love, Fear and Praise only One God so you do not break the Holy Covenant; Do not participate in pictography so that you can think; Revere both parents equally so you can believe in God; Love and respect others so you do not murder; Do not covet so you do not steal; Love your wife so you do not commit adultery. Is it that simple? There is more... Learn the secrets! And then may you live a long life! May you live until 120 and keep your loved ones alive too!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Morning Advice Is a Miracle!

Miracle! I saved her life and she saved my life! Savior, "Healer" was her Hebrew name, mine is "Daughter of God," she gave me my name, a shortened version of the 72 letter name my Mother gave me, we have lost the 72 letter name of God, we knew it 5775 years ago, but now we use 72 shortened names instead, Beth. She whispered my name Beth which was soothing to my ears, as the "th" sound came into my hearing range like a butterfly wing brushing up softly onto my cheek as it passed me by closely in the breeze and tickled me! Hee hee! A butterfly in the Spring is like a vision of good times if one imagines this when there is 20 inches of snow all around you. Stepping in deep stuff, but imagining butterfly cocoons tucked into bushes that are hibernating and will suddenly come alive in the Springtime! Monarch butterflies are good, just as we of the Davidic Line are good. We have this in our genes, our blue jeans as we experience soft denim on a Sunday. Keep your chin up! Keep the 613 Commandments of God and wade through the sticky stuff so you can figure out what is good and what is not. She and Her are all over the "old" testament, we are Shekinah, and we are in power, never doubt the power of God or of a woman. Doubting Thomases are "scoffers" and that will only get you into the Land of the Phillistines without a slingshot or a pebble. Be smart: never discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, disability, age ... That is my advice.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blessings Are Miracles!

Blessings coming down all over me: like gold dust circulating amidst the oxygen molecules as I breathe shallowly without effort; like chocolate drops lickity split--snorting Rocky Road ice cream for free; as a blizzard snowstorm I do not have to shovel or wear a hat over; as The Torah that is always open; as The Zohar that I do not have to return to the library; like feathers in a pillow without the allergies; as a present to my mother that has been gift wrapped by another! Soft snowy days, vanilla manna wafers for breakfast/lunch/dinner that come served on a pure plate, a miracle of miracles! My mother is still alive to talk about my successes! And to encourage me in all I do. And to care for me when I catch a cold. Blessings coming in from a megaphone loud and clear, it has been a good life and I am grateful to God!