Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Image result for guardian angel

Did you know you have a Guardian Angel? What do you know about Angels? That we are second only to Angels? That we worship Adonai and not Angels? That The Torah speaks of only four Angels. An Angel struggled with Jacob and injured Jacob's hip. That two Angels came to Avraham and forbade him to sacrifice his son Isaac, to instead sacrifice a ram? The fourth Angel to stop the beating of an innocent donkey?

Did you know, in addition to these four Angels, everyone who is a living human has a Guardian Angel of his/her own. We need these Angels for protection, to ask him to watch out for you to be there when you are in need of an Angel, we have him as a shield and sword, a talking parrot upon our shoulder. Need good advice? Don't want to go to "Dear Abby"? Want sound sensible advice from someone who really knows? Someone smarter than Google.com. 

What do our Guardian Angels look like? They look like The Jolly Green Giant. No kidding!! Bathed in a soft green colored light, he stands at our feet as we sleep and moves with us everywhere we go. This Angel is incredibly handsome! But not a human, he is a real Angel. 

Did you lose something? Forgot your purse but do not know where you left it? Retrace your footsteps with the same footsteps as your Guardian Angel. Where were you and where did you go, where are you now, where were you then? Feeling secure and happy, sated, because your Angel was and is with you and never ever left you. You must never leave him. Ask Gd as your Angel's Superior to find your purse. When someone says "Don't worry about it" ask your Angel to worry about it instead. Feeling the burden lifting, what was a heaviness upon your shoulder is now a heaviness on your Angel's shoulder, not yours anymore. 

Miracle? What if you found this purse! What if it was not you but instead was your Angel who found it!

Then first, go to Gd and thank Him and then go to your Guardian Angel and thank him too. 

If you never found your purse, know it is fate and we have no control. To do without, safely, to not have a purse means you must be thrifty, frugal, means you must get another one.  

Still do not give up on your Guardian Angel and do not give up on Gd. Love, fear, praise, and thank Them. Give Them the benefit of the doubt. Then sing "The Shema" and go on your happy way with your Guardian Angel, never to be alone, to have Gd and your Angel as your Security Guards and Eternal Companions.

Monday, March 26, 2018


Image result for red giants stars

A fireball of orange tossed into the air by a juggler, an orange Venus. Mars. Spinning and seething. Sucking up oxygen to keep its power. Not the power of a horse or truck. Candlelight power. Two candles burning on Shabbat, a Great Shabbat! Burning. Smoking. Incense-full. Before the First Day of Passover. An orange fruit like fire on one's Seder Plate. An Orange Fruit representing the sweetness and tangy taste of a Woman. The Female Gender. Juiciness. Small seeds to become implanted. Drying the hands of their orange-dripping stickiness. 

A Delicious Juicy Orange to Eat! 

Not to forget the orange on our Seder Plate. Water, juice, to extinguish the fierceness of manly fires. Not enraged, not to burn, smoke's dying, sputtering itself out. Just a spark.

A Venus planet, orange and red as the red of Valentine's Day. Love. A Venus goddess. Goddess of Love. Orange created from the mixing churning of red and yellow. Fire and sunlight. Fire being red and sunlight being yellow. Boil, boil, toil and trouble. Artistically mixing a pallet. An artist. A prisoner. Orange pants and shirt, overhauls, an outfit to be seen from a distance, chasing an escaped prisoner. 

Joseph the Prophet, prisoner and slave. Reading the meaning of dreams of the Pharaoh to elevate Joseph's standing, escaping prison to become leader and chief of all of the nation of Egypt. 

Eyes like firebombs, interpreting Gd's Mind, achieving knowledge from His Family Tree. The experience of slavery and imprisonment. A full family of twelve brothers and one sister. Screaming the greenness of jealousy! Joseph fulfilled his father's wishes. 

Orange. Fire. The color of the setting and dawning sun. Tiger's furriness, orange stripes. Orange sweet pepper. Carrots. Yams. Sweet potatoes. Apricots. Hazel nuts. Almonds. Pinkish-orange palms of one's human hands. Sweet potato pie. Pumpkin. The Insides of a Butter Finger Candy Bar. The Red-Breasted Robin Bird (really Orange-Breasted not Red). Squash the cooked vegetable. Bran-carrot cake muffins.  

Two Thousand Universes of Red Giants. Sizzling. Spitting. White Dwarfs breaking up into millions of pieces floating around in outer space. Orange suns growing in strength and power. Surrounding planets. Rotating.   

Is Orange your favorite color? It's mine too!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Image result for lamb

Can you pretend for a minute? Take time off to be something someone who you are not, to become someone/thing who you would love to be? To take on an identity of holy Torah animals, the offerings of the good animals that were fed to Gd and to the Priests? 

One thing for sure is that if you are this holy animal about to become a sin-offering, you can absolutely have NO blemishes. Do you have a rash? Hydro-cortisone lotion must be applied to the affected area. Whallah! It then disappears after a week or two and you then become considered "pure" enough for even Gd to eat. To leave a morsel of food on your plate as you eat some for your own sustenance but also leave some for Gd. To pray aloud in Hebrew prayers before you eat and then Gd will be happy to eat with you. Find a chair for Gd that is fit for a King and for Elijah and then you can feed yourself and them.

A bull? Ever hear about a "Bull in a China shop"? A goat? Not to mix the meat of a kid [goat] with its Mother's milk. (Which goes for all animals.) A lamb? Not to worship this lamb [ram] no matter how hard someone urges you to do so!! Instead to cook Lamb Stew! Pigeon? To slaughter it for a meal. How? To snip a snap at its neck! To swing it around your head three times. To bless it before you eat it. To sing the blessings aloud.

Meat? Okay to eat if it is processed as Kosher meat and if you do not mix it with dairy products. Dairy may be eaten after you eat the meat but not before. If before, one must wait four hours before eating the meat. Why? Gd says so. That is reason enough. It is a Commandment in our Torah, and so we obey it to stay holy.

Blood must not be left in the meat, we must not eat the fat of the offering, we must not eat "round" meat which includes pot roast. Not to eat the meat at the back end of a bull. Brisket? Okay. It is located in the front of the bull in its chest area. We cannot eat of the back hip of the bull because Jacob was injured there when wrestling with an angel and so we empathize with Jacob's pains.

So, as we eat and indulge in these holy meals with Gd as our eating partner. We can ask Gd to forgive our transgressions. To take an afternoon nap after lunch and to ask Gd to visit us in our sleep.

If you are human, and not a bull, goat, lamb, or pigeon, it's okay. As humans we look identical to what Gd looks like, we are made in His image. Look into the mirror and wash your hands with and then without soap. Smile at yourself in this mirror and so connect with Gd as you please yourself with this cheerful countenance, and please Gd because you look just like Him!

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Image result for stuffed animals

A toy, a stuffed cuddly animal, a child, like a doll, soft all over, something at night to hold in one's arms and hands, to cradle it, a soft comfy cloth material, white and pink, little decorative spots, red valentine hearts as eyes, a thread in the torso that is snipped, she is your child but with a separateness, being from you and for you, so very together are you both! A baby girl or baby boy, to always have him as a child. A curly thread sewed as a mouth that grins sheepishly at you as you continue to hold her, to love her. 

To give her a name, a name that like a streak of lightening came to you, the only name she could possibly have. Her name is "Anna". To have an Aunt Anna who crocheted me a blanket, white and blue, a soft Linus's blanket to carry with me everywhere, to now have Anna as a doll.

Where to keep Anna so she will not be stolen?! To keep her under lock and key on the top shelf of a closet, a closet that is locked with a key you keep on yourself hanging from your neck never to be lost.

How can Anna be your "Savior"? She is there always for you and never moves, she stays in one place, she does not get up and walk away. The hearts embroidered into her white eyes, are red hearts, like red candies, she looks at you always with love in her eyes and never takes away her glare.

Not to worry if Anna maybe hungry, she is never hungry and never thirsty, she will remind you to hydrate yourself and to eat when you are hungry, but not in this hungered condition herself. She is safe, secure, well nurtured, she is in existence purposely, singularly, to nurture you and only you, and she does this as you touch her, you feel her softness, a body of cotton and silk cloth, her skin of felt, to feel her felt, seeking closeness. Ask her to love you back, and her never ending smile will say "Yes, I love you back".

To shake her hand that feels like a paw, the paw of a Teddy Bear. To kiss her threaded lips.

Never to lose her, she remains always and forever on your top shelf.  To know she is safe and sound, and accessible to you at your will.

"Are you okay Anna? I will tuck you into bed and see you in the morning! Good night, Anna".

"Good night, Sweetheart" ;-)


Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Image result for the color green

The color green. Why is there so much dissension and discussion about the color green?

What do we see in our lives that are the color green and why are these things green, all the creatures, animals, plants, etc. being green, as in the infamous being Green With Envy!

Why are sea monsters green? Why are teeth that are decayed and dirty, green? Why is mold, the plant that grows on dead trees the color green? We say "He has moldy green teeth." The color of money, the bills are all the color green. So they say "Money is the root of all evil". A Snake? There are harmless small Green Garden Snakes. But they are annoying and serve no purpose other than to frighten the gardener!

Green grass? It grows but then it withers, it becomes chaff. A plant that hibernates in the winter turning from green to yellow. If one is homeless, he can walk down the streets of his town and be tempted to eat the greens in the trees or plants, but finding it all to be bitter, not digestible. To pluck a leaf off a tree, to bite it in your mouth and to find it has a horrible taste. and to then spit it out! Seeing greens everywhere that have these horrible tastes! Rabbits? They can eat it. We as humans cannot. So these green plants tempt us, but deceitfully turn us down, green everywhere but no green to eat! Getting hungrier by the minute as you walk, tripping, without a home to rest yourself.

The Jewish Holy Kabbalah titled "The Zohar", tells us that green is the color of evil. Why so? I think it is because most items that are green are indigestible and they tempt us to eat them but we cannot do so.

But what about water? Is water green or is it blue? Let's give it a happy medium, to say the water is a grand royal turquoise. There is Sea Green and Ocean Blue. It just depends on how the waves pick up the reflection of the color of the skies on the surface of the water, sparkling it up like silver as the light dances on its waves. Can we color a river green and claim it is a Patrick's Day green? Not if the water is originally blue. Changing it is an action of deceit, the water was not green in its origin.

Coveting, stealing, it is all about green. Green with jealousy and stealing green cash money. Your neighbor's backyard being greener in color than yours and coveting all your neighbor's property.

The military, the defense corp., greenish khaki uniforms, green as evil to fight others who are green with evil. An eye for an eye. St. Patrick's Day green, a way to say green is good. St. Patrick was said to have converted all the "snakes" (being the color green) in Ireland. Using the Evergreen trees at Christmas time to say the trees that are always green and do not change color are the "good" trees. Notice the sharp pierce needles on Evergreens, to stab and to poke, a tree not a peaceful tree, a tree to be in war.

Green sunglasses, a way to shade the eyes from fierce sunlight. Not to see your eyes, a mystery, what do you have to hide?

Fruits before they ripen are the color green. They mature into another color: yellow, red, orange. When the fruit is green it cannot be eaten.

Tigers are said to have green eyes. To look into a tiger's green eyes is to stare him down into a state of submission. The tiger is frightened and shrinks back and will not attack you. This is how tigers are trained in circuses. There are people born with green eyes, instead of saying his eyes are green, we say his eyes are "hazel".

The kingdom of the Wizard of Oz is said to be "emerald green". Emeralds being a precious stone, a jewel. The word JEWEL can be seen as the Jewish People and EL after Jew, to be as JewEL, the EL as a word for the Name of Gd.

To change or convert the color green to be a beautiful blue like the skies and ocean, to grow a green garden of vegetables, and making sure you are eating Vegan, Vegan eating is a Kosher cuisine. Loving the color green as your cholesterol level becomes healthy again! Giant salads with all the trimmings, a green that is not a sickly green, instead a permanent light green that satiates the appetite. To eat Kosher foods and not to have an appetite anymore, not to hunger.

Foods that are good. Plants that are good. Gd will tell us what to eat and what not to eat if you have any questions, the answer is in The Bible, The Torah. Bible being just another word for TORAH.