Thursday, July 28, 2016


To have the unique ability to not fear what others fear, to not have other's fears be contagious and for you to fear them too just because they fear them. To have an ability to see love in all things, as you see G-d's goodness in all things, to not fear anything you are brainwashed into fearing because you know it is not a threat because it was created by The Lord.

To not have a fear of The Lord that overcomes your love for Him. To have so much ease and comfort in your environment that fears dissipate and love takes over, to love The Lord more than you fear Him.

To have The One Almighty G-d of Sarah and Abraham as your substitute Father/Mother, to have a Father/Mother in G-d when your birth Father/Mother are deceased, to know this G-d you obey is caring for all your deceased family in His Paradise, in The World To Come.

To have this love for The Lord as He protects you, to not have fears like others have because this G-d is your Shield, your Shield of David and Abraham, a Shield that you always have as a way to defend yourself because His love for you provides you with His protection.

To not be afraid, to be tucked in at night comfortably in your bed as a cradle rocked to sleep with a lullaby sung in Hebrew, a song sung to you every night by The Lord Himself.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Lightening-like ideas, brainstorming in stormy weather connecting one's thoughts to electricity in the sky as it lights up with white light, light that is white hot, sizzling as you are again struck with another bolt of lightening, another idea, another way to help someone with your ideas.

Rain coming down in sheets as hailstones plummeting onto the body of your car causing dents, grounded, not being able to swing down a street, instead having the runway of an airplane to take its place, an airplane in your head instead, having a head without dents with an airplane inside your mind that can fly higher than anything except an Angel.

Brain 101 becoming Brain 102, brain power as you continue to spend each day learning, sharing your brainpower with others as you rain down your ideas onto their heads making dents, denting other's brains with common sense, washing with water away all ideas that harm society rather than aid it.

A brain that storms, a bolt of lightening that lightens, electricity from a continuous connection to cyberspace, being in outer space, being on the moon, at night dreaming of the joy of a new moon, another Rosh Chodesh, a Jewish Holiday that comes once a month. A moon that is always shining, a brilliancy of light even at night as the sun reflects off the body of a new crescent moon.

Nights not awakening from sounds of thunder, not seeing flashes of stormy lightening in your eyes, rolling over in bed sound asleep, getting enough sleep to stimulate a brain into Brain 103, a brain that never stops thinking, a Brain 104 that is the source of the lightening itself.

Creating your own bolts of lightening with each new idea, having enough electricity in your mind to lighten up an entire village.

A storm, a strike of lightening, and then a clap of thunder! Clapping your hands in a rainstorm that becomes a brainstorm, whetting our minds with more ideas.

A theatrical show, a symphonic concert, an applause in praise of G-d Who continues this ability to brainstorm as He continues the rainstorm.

A prayer to call for rain, a prayer to call for another idea. A prayer to call for a way to aid those who read your ideas, having a word combination of goodness that opens the minds of others like a sieve, having a rain barrel in your brain being this sieve to catch all ideas, to catch all raindrops.

To be the catch-all of these ideas as you think of another one and as it waters the gardens of the Earth with new ways to solve problems, new raindrops as new ideas falling from the clouds of the blue sky of Heaven each day, as we again brainstorm, in another rainstorm...

Monday, July 18, 2016


The miracle of singing! Singing a song, singing by yourself or singing in a group with others, singing to someone or singing to yourself, singing to G-d to praise Him to thank Him, singing for a reason, singing just to have fun, singing to put yourself into a state of meditation, a state of relaxation, a state of peace.

Singing words of Hebrew, Words straight out of The Torah itself, singing Words in Hebrew that mean in English: love, kindness, charity, mercy, thankfulness, protection, healing, caring, giving...

Singing without any worries of hitting the wrong notes, singing as a pleasure and not a chore. Singing as a musical instrument using your throat, vibrating your tonsils, whetting your tongue.

Singing because your voice is a gift from G-d, having a voice that is a miracle because it sounds so beautiful, singing so sweetly like you are kissing an angel passing you by in the air.

Being blessed to have a voice that is great, like the voice of a Jewish Cantor, having a voice that G-d has bestowed upon you and you have an obligation to use, a voice that leads a congregation, a voice that is heard above all other's.

Having this song inside of yourself, that when you sing it you connect with The Divine, and soothe yourself, if aloud soothing others, and using this voice to conquer evil, to topple giants, to chase away grief, to reach the Heavens and be heard by G-d Himself, to pray to Him, to tell Him you love Him.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


The miracle of viewing life as reality and not through rose-colored eyeglasses, to see world as it is and to accept its blemishes as well as its natural beauty.

Torah Commandment: To not create images or sculpture in the likeness of the seas, lands, or skies.

But what to do if we cannot worship an image?? What to do is to worship The One Great True G-d Almighty instead.

But where can we find Him?? If we cannot see Him?? To see is to believe?? Has the blind man no ability to believe? We feel G-d in our bodies and in our minds. In our souls and in our spirits. We feel Him flowing as blood in our veins. We feel Him as we breathe and fill our lungs, again and again and again.

What we feel is a G-d Who is Great. A G-d Who is Almighty, we do not shade ourselves from feeling this spirituality, we welcome its awesomeness. G-d walks with us whether we see Him or we don't, whether we feel Him or we don't.

Having a "belief" in the righteousness of the truth of Torah, in its goodness, and not to turn it around and say it persecutes against anyone, if there is an area of Torah you do not agree with, skip over it, there are beliefs that are outdated, as the old saying goes "You don't throw out the baby with the bath water." If there is something you don't agree with, you don't have to agree with it; but the truth of Torah, to "love your neighbor" is not outdated and it persecutes against no one. This law, this Torah Commandment to "love your neighbor" is the essence of Torah. No other book thought of this law first, and no other book can be trusted as a substitute for this law. The Torah tells us not to create another book with different rules. Why??

Because in these other "testaments" when you have a different god, you will not have the power of the Great G-d Almighty to help you to "love your neighbor." Instead of loving your neighbor, you will hate him. This is because only the One True G-d is good. All other gods that are not backed up with The Torah, not backed up with this law to love your neighbor, all are filled with deceit and what you will do instead of love your neighbor will be to hate him instead.

The peace of lovingkindness comes with The Torah. The peace of love for all mankind comes with The Torah. You need no beliefs in fictional gods, to pretend you see Him in an image. Your belief instead is that Torah is good, because it teaches us to "love your neighbor." Not to condemn the people of Judaism with hatred every time you see a dead god nailed to a cross and bleeding. Not to hate Jews for killing your god who is your messiah. This belief of this killing causes hatred, it causes you to hate not love your neighbor, and this hatred will permeate your very being and you will not have peace or love for anyone.

There is no other book we can follow that will uphold this rule: to love your neighbor. If what you want is peace in the world, it is this book The Torah that will cause it.

The Torah is good, it is good to "love" not hate "your neighbor."  

Friday, July 8, 2016


After 33 centuries,
all that’s needed has been done.
The table is set,
the feast of Mashiach is being served
with the Ancient Wine,
the Leviathan and the Wild Ox
—and we are sitting at it.
All that’s left
is for us
to open our eyes and see.
Sefer Ha-Sichot 5752, page 165.
Opening one's eyes and taking a look, looking around and perceiving the goodness that is everywhere, at every Temple Kiddush, at kosher foods served in homes where two candles are faithfully lighted on every Shabbat, two loaves of covered Challah awaiting breaking and to be passed out, to drink of the Ancient Wines, the red-purple grapes coloring the sugary sweetness, to take a sip and to toast. A room filled with sippers singing, glasses clinking, voices rhyming in song, legs limber to feel like dancing. A Friday night Shabbat sunset that comes in with a chameleon's mood changing from somber to joyous, as his skin changes colors, as the sunset in the sky changes colors in the skies from blue to purple, to be a woman dressed in purple, to be dressed in white clothes on Shabbat, to be dressed in purity like the Levite Priests, to find joy and peace in a white color that is clean and spotless, laundered in a strong bleach to take out any spots. White matching shoes, shoes that can dance in a ballet, taking a trip skipping to the place of peace on a Shabbat, a day at the end of each week, a day that is a Saturday, a day when we sit and sat on a SATurday and when we relax and rest.
The miracle of another Shabbat, a time to rejoice, to worship, to feel good, to love and to be loved.

Monday, July 4, 2016


What a miracle indeed! This thing they call "cyberspace"! To be in charge as the captain of your own boat as you surf not on water but on what is called The Web. Surfing on cyberspace waves like a rocket in outer space, surfing email programs, installed software, websites, online storage of images, you name it, it is all on The Web! Why do they call it The Web? Because it is a like spider web of sorts, a place that catches everything in its stickiness, you name it, you can find it on The Web.

To be blessed to not just have access to the Internet, but to have this access on a pro computer, a computer that has a keyboard and HD monitor, a computer with good installed protection against viruses, a computer that is super fast and sensitive to your finger touch and your flick of your wrist, a computer that is not a chore and disobeying you, but instead follows your every command.

To have a nice sized monitor to view the print, to see it without difficulties, to adjust the light brightness level to not hurt the eyes, to prop it up so it is in equivalence with your eyes' direct view, to not have to cramp and bend over a computer that would hurt the neck or bring stiffness to the shoulders, being at ease when you use it, sitting in a comfortable easy chair as you type, having a responsive keyboard, tapping it joyously like a piano, hearing each key go "plunk"! Being a writer with a computer and using its ease to enjoy writing as a delight, a craft, that is user-friendly.

To have a way to be in immediate contact with your loved ones, wherever you are, wherever they are. To be what is called "plugged in". To have the ability to "unplug" at anytime when you need rest and privacy, to be able to isolate yourself to enjoy aloneness by simply being away from your computer. To go back to your computer when you want to, to have its access be your choice and not an imposition.

To be able to do research of knowledge at your fingertips by putting keywords into Google, taking a trip through websites that have answers to your questions. Never to be without an ability to gain knowledge, to have a computer that is your teacher, not to need a dependency on a human as teacher who errors, to be able to find an answer to any question you pose. Not to then be afraid to ask a question because it is something you are already supposed to know. To never be ashamed to not know an answer to a question, to always be able to ask a computer who will not shame you. To then be a guru, to have all the answers to all the questions of the universe at your fingertips.

To have these answers and so be able to use computer access to teach others the answers by uploading published articles onto The Web yourself. To want to share your knowledge with others and to be able to do this by publishing on the Internet to get the word around. To have something to say, and to be able to say it, and to have listeners in your readers, to be "out there" and to have something to say that someone wants to know.

Not a TV that you cannot interact with, not passive entertainment where you do nothing but change a channel, instead a computer that you can talk to and that will talk back. A robot to use that obeys your every wish, and fulfills your every desire.

Having a computer; therefore having a friend, and to be able to use your computer to be a friend to others.