Thursday, October 29, 2015


The miracle of a tasty kosher tuna sandwich! How great it is to get a completely kosher sandwich that includes this fish, plus lettuce, tomato, cheese, onion, on wheat bread with mayonnaise and mustard!

The tuna fish has had its ups and downs. They say it is poisoned with mercury and that too much mercury causes dementia. So, being careful in the quantity of consumption is a warning here, all good things in moderation!

Tuna, chopped up with a sharp knife, delicately, finely, carrots added, stirred round and round with white creamy mayo, a tinge of a spice of onion to spark up the taste buds, to enrich the mouth with good kosher fish, having scales and fins. Deep sea diving to find a tuna fish, stabbing it and swinging it over one's shoulder and carrying it home for dinner. The tuna fish found my bait, took a bite and now I will take a bite of it.

Thank you Mr. Tuna for finding my bait, now I will digest you and do it following Jewish dietary laws.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Having a family as your friends. Someone to call on the phone who will answer, someone to visit, someone to write, someone to mail a letter, someone who will always have a bloodline tie to you.

Someone who knows you and has known you for many years, often since babyhood, longer than any outside friend has known you.

Family as friends in good times and bad. Someone who will lend you money and not charge you interest. Someone who shares other members of the family as their close contacts too and family who are friends with them too.

Someone who will celebrate your birthday year after year and be at a family funeral. Someone who knows how you tick. Someone to who you do not have to prove yourself. Someone who is as stable as a rock. A family who is friendly, a family who cares, a family who never leaves. A family of family friends.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


A mother's voice, calling like a coo, wrapping a nurturing warming arm around my body, singing a song into my ear, whispering wishes of wonderment, calling like the sea, flipping around me like a blanket, over my shoulders like a tallit, cool refreshing water in my mouth flowing deeply, satisfying all thirsting, sweetly humming, cradling on her lap in a rocking chair.

Reassuring, diplomatic truthfulness, believed in, not slandered, gossip hushed, swaying back and forth in dance and song, rock music beating my heart according to its bass, hushing my crying, understanding, binah, chesed, lovingkindness, nourishment, a kiss on the mouth.

Being fed, my portion appropriated according to my needs, filling my desires, a beat that swings my knees, a sound like no other, the soothing sound of my mother and my father's protection and flattery, an electric current that charges all my batteries, a taste in my mouth of deliciousness, a pair of lips smeared with tasty lip gloss, vitamins in the morning, cake instead of bread.

How was your day? Great! Can you prove it?

Monday, October 26, 2015


Dealing with life as a predictable occurrence and not always to seek a display of fireworks. Looking for a miracle in everything and having miracles happen constantly is just not a natural occurrence. If one sees each daily occurrence as a norm and not a miracle, one is in a world of realness and not in a world of extremeness, and this contrast to be without miracles will lead us to appreciate real miracles that much more when they happen and when we do not expect them or look for them.

Miracles can and do exist. It can be a miracle to see life as having times when there are no miracles; to see life as a series of expected happenings, as results of normal situations, a+b=c.

Everyday presents itself with happenings and those happenings are not always miracles. We can turn lemons into lemonade or simply leave lemons as they are, to not attempt to change our environment but instead to live with it, to live besides it, to accept our lot in life and not to pretend it is what it isn't. To just be and to exist in truthfulness and honesty and to accept what is and appreciate that some of life is not a miracle--thanking G-d for life's sameness, mundaneness, and steady regularity.

This way we can appreciate a miracle when it happens and this will really be a true and exciting thrill.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Sunday morning strength, feeling muscles rippling, breathing deeply, legs calves flexing, standing during the Amidah, moving my ankles in kedosh, kedosh, kedosh, tightening my tefillin around my left arm like a horse's bridle, steam engines gushing and spraying, Hebrew chanting peaceful and enunciated with a wide mouth, every letter said, every vowel, every consonant, sounding rhythmical as music.

Strength on a Sunday after resting on a Saturday, Sunday a business day, a day of movement after a day of stillness. A quiet day, a day to produce, a day to work, a day to write, a day to study Torah--Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Lot and his daughters escaped, survived the drowning and then the fire and brimstone destruction of the cities of evil. G-d saved them, the cities went under. We kiss our tzitzit and rejoice in Psalms 66-68 this week. A week of singing, of happiness, our enemies are wiped off the face of the Earth, and our families survive--thank G-d for this.

Flexing strong legs, tapping feet to Jewish davening, fed and watered, B vitamins digesting, full night's sleep, a bright moon but a dark bedroom, fullness, satisfaction, connected synapses of cyberspace, Torah portion for this week under our belt, fully in the milieu, ready for everything, prepared for anything. Feeling all the energy of the sun as it shines warmly and peacefully on my soaking skin, lotion softening, heart of compassion, studying, teaching, performing mitzvoth.  

Friday, October 23, 2015


Prayers answered, tides changed, winds blew the other way, rain did not whet, cold did not freeze, heat did not scorch.

Ran with the cowboys, wishes came true, no worries or complaints, nothing taking me down.

Wicked persecuted, hate disappeared, winning the battle, brutal wars no more.

Sunlight from window, water cooling throat, scented lotions smelling as flowers, kindness within--solidly, firmly, securely.

 Small stones not heavy as rocks.

Music blaring, becoming delightful, songs keep comin'.

Feathers in my cap, no holes in my shoes that cannot be filled.

Sandy beaches exciting and as calming as couches.

Lake Michigan water waves as friends, wildlife listening as I dance, softness in pillows when I want to sleep.

Dreams not nightmares, nighttime blankets warmer, food tastier, breathing easier.

Shabbat Shalom's bride will be mine.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


It is a miracle to be eating kosher foods. To get 3 kosher meals per day, and have each meat meal 4 hours apart from a dairy meal. It is a miracle to eat all kosher snacks in between meals. It is miracle to know that the cow that made our hamburger was not killed in a manner that caused it pain. That the slaughtering process was humane and the process is being inspected by Rabbis regularly.

It is a miracle to know that a blessing was said at the cow's time of death, so that the cow's soul could be elevated in our bodies at the time we eat it and digest it.

It is a miracle to know that there was no pork at all anywhere in the facility of the slaughtering house. It is a miracle to be able to trust this, to feel like it is all bona fide. To know that there will not be a speck of impurity in what you are about to eat, that there is no temptation to resist, that it is all true and good.

It is a miracle to find a hechsher, a marked symbol of kosher food, on a package. It is a miracle to know what is kosher and what is not, whether it is marked with a hechsher or not.

It is a miracle to eat an egg that is not a fertile embryo. Where hens and roosters do not come in contact, a pure henhouse with only hens living together--no spot of blood in the yolk. A pure and kosher egg.

It is a miracle to count on this, to have it available. It needs to become more available, more widespread, having more grocery stores participate in the stocking of kosher foods and kosher meats. It is a miracle when a grocer can say he sells kosher foods. He will truly be rewarded unlike his competitor who does not stock them. G-d sees all, and rewards the righteous, we can believe this.

 Enjoy your miracles as you eat your kosher foods. Serve them to your friends. And be joyous in knowing your spiritual state will be elevated, and that you are enjoying a heaven on Earth.


Moving my tongue around the inside of my mouth, tasting the last drops of a delicious deeply strongly brewed cup of hot morning coffee. A cup of coffee like no other, fuel for my fires, complete satisfaction from the darkness of the coffee bean lightened up with a swish of non-dairy creamer, stirred around, and covered inside a Styrofoam cup with a plastic lid.

Every dear morning I drink this brew, not a witch's brew, but an athlete winner's energy drink, some caffeine but not too much. Stirring it around and around and watching the creamer dissolve in the blackness turning it to a light brown, like the skin of a South American native. Aaaahhh... coffee, not to have to do without you, you my dearest are my warmth in the morning, my buzz before I start my work, my inhalation, my every wish, my good feeling.

Coffee, I will call you my closest friend, as you are always there for me. The after-taste has completely encompassed me in rejoicing. I had what I needed and I can have it again. Every morning you are there for me, and everyday I love you, not taking you for granted. Thank you, Mr. Coffee, I will drink you again and again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


It is a miracle to be in the middle of merry-making, to be an observer and participant in a world of dancing and clapping. Microphones everywhere and everyone gets to sing in them. Hearing singing loudly, everyone knowing the right words to the songs, everyone getting a chance to belt out a melody.

Electronic speakers tuned loudly, vibrating and making noise, but noise that is pleasing to the ears. Everyone united in song, songs we have all heard before, hand clapping, foot stepping, sweet soprano voices complemented by bass and tenor voices--everyone singing, no one exempt.

Everyone is heard and everyone gets a chance to express  him/herself. Music that everyone likes, tunes that are considered popular and are well-known, heard before many times and are all inclusive.

No one has to be silent, everyone can sing it out, needing no one's approval, not being judged, no one is valued as better than anyone else, everyone is accepted and no one is left out. Singing is for all--connection with beautiful sounds-a glorious world where everyone in it is family. Clap your hands and ring out the tambourines, pound on the drums and get well deserved attention. Music is for all.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Communing with the greatest G-d in the 2,000 universes that are all around us, far from us, in the midst of us. Touching pearly white desk table tops, gazing at bright yellow barrier walls. Lightness in my body coming from all over: lamps and windows, soft white light, yellow light, light with a blue tinge: warmth, nurturing.

When we have a need, our needs can be overcome and we then become sated. In a state of unrest, soon to be sated again. Searching and trying to find, searching ending and finding taking place, never short, always fulfilled as happiness is within, not caused by an external environment. Happy with one's lot.

Going nowhere, not needing to get anywhere, not needing to be in a different place, not making a change, not traveling, not suffering upheavals, settled. Always moving in a Hebrew chant, a Cantor's voice resounding indefinitely, always singing. Dancing as I step--shomer shomer goy echad. Knowing the Hebrew words, memorization. The holy Cantor is singing to me, his voice calms like lake water, excites like lava from a volcano, balances like a scale bouncing from side to side, coming clear to me with an answer to every question.

Sephirot completed. All points in action. Feeling their significance, going with their flow. Numbers increasing as wealth becomes inconsequential, needing less, so having more. A little bit goes a long way. Not allowing another to be a judge, always being one's own leader, never floating on the sea without a paddle, bravely diving into deep waters and swallowing salt. Not a dead sea.

Another day, another dollar, another time to rejoice and be thankful for everything that comes  along. Justice will be had, goodness will abound. Following your own heart, your own mind, and slowly but surely being one with the music. Improving a little bit everyday, in areas where you not others want to see improvement. Everyday improve a little bit more, so perfection will be near in sight, and as a reward you will enjoy a reaping of a healthy harvest as an autumn gift from The Almighty and eat and drink to content.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


It is a miracle to soar into the Heavens each morning because I daven with a Cantor to the prayers/blessings in the Jewish Conservative Siddur: Sim Shalom. Gadol which means great. Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, which means holy, holy, holy. Having the Cantor's voice penetrate my very being, soothing me, forcing out all impurities and any evil. The Hebrew chant vibrates my bones, as I cry "Hashkivenu, Adonai!"--and the Cantor leads me in my chant: strongly, fully, consistently. Sweetly we sing together, and our "incantations" purify my mind, soul, and my heart. The steady rhythmical beat of the chanting keeps me steady on my feet, but humble too, as I lean on only one leg during the Amidah--keeping in tune with the universe as a member of the world, being devoted to its improvement.

This davening is miraculous! All it takes is daily meditation and prayer to keep a  person on track with involvement in goodness through praising the Divine. I thank the Cantor with his miraculously beautiful voice for taking me by the hand and guiding me through the holiness of this world--the great integrity of his voice being a sign from G-d--as my voice chimes in with his and we become one as our voices combine and intertwine, becoming one with G-d, with the one and only one G-d: HASHEM.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Sounds of rock n' roll streaming out of a speaker into headphones into my pulsating ears, eardrums beating back and forth, rockin', taking dancing steps, high kicks Russian-style, liking it all, lovin' it all, making music with my radio, a connection with others who are also listening too.

A radio to keep me company, tied around my arm, trippin', dippin', tickling me and causing stimulating sensations. A sound of melody, a sound of beating drums, percussion, bass and treble adjustments.

A tuner to change the stations, a memory to lock in the stations of your preference, loud screaming voices that yell out words to get attention, steppin' out, steppin' in, a great gratifying experience.

Disc jockeys sweetly talking into my ear, a familiar voice, a word meant to make my day more joyous, a star who loves to excite his/her audience, a lot of highs, a thrill just a radio station away.

Deep breathing and a rush, heart palpitations and tapping feet and fingers, a time to get involved, a time to listen and to be entertained, a time to have fun. My radio: my friend.


Exchanging a greeting with a fellow Jew, a greeting of "Shabbat Shalom." Hearing the Hebrew sounds of the SH sound, like a whisper into my ear, a greeting of community, a mutual wish for one another to have peace, to feel the appearance of the Shekinah as two Jews come together to wish each other a Shabbat Shalom, a Sabbath of Peace, a wonderful Jewish Holy Day, Holiday, that comes once a week.

To be part of a whole, to feel a unity, to be near a Sanctuary, to have someone follow your lead, to have another fully accept you, to be in unison, to be in tune, to genuinely want someone else to have a day of good happenings, a day they can remember, a day when all creation stops, a day when all rest.

A day of sunshine or rain to conquer thirst, a day to lay down on a couch, a day to study Torah, a day to sing in tropes, a day to have joyousness, a day to rejoice, a day to praise HASHEM, a day of chanting, of connecting with other Jews: a day--of Shabbat Shalom.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


A rainbow appears like a streak of lofty diffused misty molecules of floating colors all together in a designated order for us to see in the sky to remember the Covenant G-d made with us: that G-d would never destroy the world again with a flood or any other catastrophe that would put an end to human and animal and plant life. This is very reassuring. But then along came Albert Einstein who created the theory that would become the atom bomb.

This rainbow could also be a sign of our covenant with G-d to follow the 613 commandments, one of which forbids murder. But we do have the formula to this bomb and mass murder is only a toss away.

Coming back to this rainbow, the folklore about it tells us that there is a gift for us at the end of this rainbow and it is a pot of gold. If we follow the 613 commandments we will be rich, but not necessarily with gold as is the folklore, we will be rich in our ability to keep the peace and choose peace, to stay alive to see the next rainbow in the clouds.

The rainbow will remind us about G-d's miracles, and our abilities to continue to experience these miracles, as we continue to see rainbows that should strengthen our Covenant with G-d as G-d also strengthens His Covenant with us, that if we do not destroy the world, He will not either.

Monday, October 12, 2015


It is a miracle to be unaffected by stress. It is a miracle to enjoy sitting and doing nothing, to have a TV blaring in the background but not having it disturb me or stiffen my muscles. It is a miracle to have a steady musical beat and song in my mind and heart and keeping rhythm to peacefulness as the song permeates my being. It is a miracle to not care when someone tries to rattle my cage. It is a miracle to have the peace of Shabbat encompass my daily routine on a busy manic Monday. It is a miracle to have a Monday that does not cause an upheaval in my week and try to trip me as I walk. It is a miracle to take everything in stride and have the general flow of other's actions flowing with mine, and when someone does not flow with me, my actions cause them to reverse their halt and turn around and then flow with my waters in obedience and without rebellion. It is nice to have a smoothly flowing river without rocks in my way. It is nice to feel the spray of cool water as it mists up in my face and moisturizes my breathing as I take steady short breaths, evenly, and relaxed. Things are going my way and I appreciate every good moment HASHEM offers to me. Thank You, G-d.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


It is a miracle to be alive and to have a good rest on Shabbat, on Shabbat I lay in bed reading coffee table books and sipping good ice water like it was milk from a baby's bottle. I did nothing except read and read Bereshit in Genesis and did not participate in any electronics usage, did not carry anything and limited all correspondence to phone usage not computers and only phoned my dear mother so did not have any disturbance to my Shabbat meditation or praying.

Lit a Havdalah flame at sunset on Saturday and it shone brilliantly on my fingernail reflecting the warmth of the red hot fire and it was nurturing. Spread the scent of the lotion of Cherry Blossoms, a lotion my mother also uses, on my hands and sniffed it as my besomim spices. How beautiful it filled up my nostrils and reminded me of my mother's gorgeous kind hands.

The good rest I received rejuvenated me for the coming week, and now I can face another day, another 7 days, and do it with peace like a treasure in my pocket, as a memory of a restful Shabbat and now I will have a Shavua Tov [a good week].