Monday, July 22, 2019


Image result for greek flaming cheese

To have a need to forgive people everyday of the year, not only on Yom Kippur, each day if someone dishonored you and dishonored your property, you need to catch a deep REM sleep, even though you have a discrepancy, a need to say you're sorry or get an apology from someone else. 

Yes, there are times when someone will deliberately want to hurt us, advertently, so how should we view this? As a fault of our own or a fault of the oppressor. 

Rule number one, written four times in the Torah, never oppress a stranger [convert], or widow, or orphan. What can we expect if we break this rule? We can expect 100 curses put upon us by God. 
How can we sleep peacefully, after a day of meeting a rebellious warrior who breaks these Commandments? 

Each night, just before bed and right after we pray the Shema for the night, ask God to help us forgive those who have dishonored us and our property, to feel the goodness of Yom Kippur before and after Yom Kippur, to bow to God and just simply Forgive. Then to sleep a sleep deeper than any sleep you have ever had. Not to contrive revenge against oppressors, abusers, before you go to sleep at night. 
To put these abusers out of your mind, to love God as you gently fall asleep. It is in our sleep that God visits His beloved.

A deep sleep, a deeper sleep, eyes moving in fast REM [rapid eye movement] sleep, blinking on and off, to switch the leg foot arm wrist from side to side as you get more and more comfy, to bury your head deeply into your puffy pillow, a nap? A full night's sleep? To always be protected by God in sleep or not, no matter what.

To arise in the morning, to again chant the Shema, to say "Modeh Ani" as we slowly swing one leg after the other over the side of our beds.

Breakfast time! What's for breakfast? Are we breaking a fast? Yes, the Fast of Tamuz. Therefore, eat hardily, heartily, feel the heat of flaming Greek cheese! Rub olive oil upon your arms and elbows. Keep your elbows off the table top. 

A time to begin again. To again sing Selah. Eternity means we live forever.  

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