Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Spinning yarn from warm wool, a looming loom threads twisted tangled together, to entwine form strings of hair golden the touch of Jordanian King Midas "Rapunzel Rapunzel Climb Up My Golden Hair" as the princess puts her long hair out the window and this elf climbs her golden hair. Hair braided, challah the jewish bread braided, yellow egg yolk basted on the braids of this bread. To be Czeskian to braid your hair up on the top of your head as a crown. A Princess's crown, beaded with purple velvet, smooth soft, tactile, to understand this crown's greatness the royal family Queen Elizabeth II as you feel its beauty. 

The color white as the color of embroidery, not done by hand anymore, factories of machines warehouses now sewing to design these embroidered threads. No more African-American slaves in the cotton fields, no more girls slaving at looms. 

Not to be Ruth who sleeps at the feet of her husband Abimelech at night and then pickin' cotton during the day. So, whose going to pick this cotton? The migrants can do it instead of making them illegal, unable to work, to give them jobs picking fruit and picking cotton. They need jobs so lets provide them the jobs. As a busboy in a restaurant? Give them an education and they can learn information and be promoted into professional jobs, government jobs. Spanish to be learned by everyone as a second language to help these people get ahead. Promoting these Hispanic people's needs and helping them, teaching them to read English it is Hispanic-American Month in this September 2019. The word in espanol for LOVE is amore. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Pomegranates, supposedly the fruit on the tree with Adam and Eve. The jews say it was not an apple. Not Red Delicious? I question this propaganda because the pomegranate has a very bitter white area that is next to the seeds, if there was this bitterness, Eve would not have offered it to Adam, she would have thrown it into the garbage where it belongs. 

Why as white which is the color of purity these fruits have this bitter taste? Are they trying to say that white purity is not good? Horseradish instead? A hot spicy food additive, that is all it is. No reason to fear these hot foods, after eating these hot foods put warm water on your tongue and this bitterness will dissipate. There is nothing to be afraid of. We need to go on and to tolerate these food additives, until we report them to the government and then they will become illegal.

Bakonettes is a food a pork rind that causes choking! It is still on the market, it must be removed and become illegal. There is Jay's pork rind that is good, no choking. Well, have a delicious day of eating these pork tenderloins and pork chops pork rinds. 

Love what you eat, digest a friend not a foe.

Monday, September 16, 2019


Image result for homeless man blankets

To see a poor homeless man, poverty stricken, helpless, forlorn, without food or drink, to be cuddled in a few dirty blankets a small worn out dirty pillow on a hard cement ground, the park closes at 11:00 p.m. then police patrolled. Where to go? Who will let you in? Can you find just one good person in the lot who will help you? To need to go deep into the woods, a forest preserve, and sleep amongst the wolves and the coyotes, who are dripping salivating at the mouth for a meal of meat, human meat even better, to put up a real fight and to chew a human's flesh that is fatter. 

How can we help him? Do you have an empty space on your floor, a pad, an empty couch, if he does not come to you can you go to him? 

Offer him hygiene supplies to clean his fingers and his dirty fingernails, a hairbrush to straighten his hair on his head or a new fresh short haircut to cut off the straggles of matted hair. 

Soda pop? Offer him some. Beer? Offer him a swig. The Saint Bernard dog, the largest dog of all dogs carries a small barrel of liquor under his chin on his chest for skiers down on their luck so they can drink and rest. Physically too weak to work, in poor health stealth.

The Homeless Man is Not a Werewolf Vampire, he is human and is in need. He could be motherless, fatherless, widower, orphan, stranger, a real human person, a good person to not understand how to handle money therefore he has no money. Money being the root of all evil he being too good to use it. 

He could rest and sleep in a neighborhood church instead of on the hard cement ground. Open your doors churches, purple rain, the homeless man is your game.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Image result for ham

Ham. Green Eggs and Ham. In Hebrew the word HAM means Egypt. The word HAM appears like a spirit of cute pink piglets the friendliest animal of all animals, piglets make the best pets of all domestic animals. Animals to handle to love and to pet them. 

Abram changed his name to add HAM into it so it now says AbraHAM. There is ABRA Kadabra magic. And there are HAMburgers, the way to say it spelled backwards as MAH, or Mother, Mother Nature. MAH as in Mommy, Mother, Grandma, lots of ways to pronounce our Mother's Names, she held his hands when he was a boy, a Mother to teach her child with a boy and girl's toy: geological geometrical Rubix Cube legless architectural Leggos to research search and find answers to every question her children wonderfully wonder! 

A student who studies, is a STUD. STUD meaning not a nerd who just nods, instead meaning a student who is savvy sipping pork tenderloin meat gravy. A PhD Environmental Science student he is not lazy. A talented lucky mechanic too his hands are not blue. A schooled scholar a Preacher's pure white chaste collar no need to holler. 

Baked ham, honey ham, ham sandwiches, not witches not damned, ham and cheese, pork hot dogs, spicy hot not, nachos and cheese, pass the mild tomato salsa please. Bacon I'm baked! Not an ex-con. Hold on. I'm coming!! Bacon salad bits pork rinds salty chips BBQ'ued ketchup saucy rich reaches teaches children.

Ham brushed with sweet brown sugar su'GAR white, whipped fluffy egg whites, sugared ham, more ham please thank you Mam. 

Mam Ham Mom Madonna, Momma. BaHAMma angels who suffered in the Bahamas are now in heaven. Hawaii bombed by the Japanese rich's mansions "they cannot take them with them after death" soaking devils fallen bombed World Trade Centers not risen dough, dough not sweetened we do not do. Dry putrid jewish passover matzos still a MA in MAtzos but a tearful cry dry cracked crumbled crummy crumbs of these matzos unfortunately we have lots'os. 

Add horseradish burn your tongue. Beet horseradish, not beaten a race horse the winning Kentucky Derby horse not a whore, she has only one eye "an eye for an eye" and we will win some more...

Monday, September 9, 2019


Image result for looking good feeling good

A beautiful face, Thursday's child is fair of face, Wednesday's child is full of woe, disgraced not traced, Jack and Jill went up the hill. A hill Mount Zion, B'nai Abraham Zion, Zion or TS'ion, it's a stutter of the lips. beautiful glossy tasty lips, red and shiny, kiss me you fool. Can't give a kiss your lips are contaminated lipstick that causes cancer. 

A Cancer zodiac sign, a crab shellfish, not crabby, imitation crab, an allergy, what happens? My tongue swells up. Shrimp in a cup? No not either. Battered shrimp shrimp beat up, send a tsunami to Japan so our temptation erupts. Underground boiling lurching lava a volcanic eruption deception, running away but on hot coals we must sway a dance, a dancer a ballerina a sokol gymnast perfectly formed body strong muscles spectacular a Greek lifelike statue a scholar philosopher. A dance tip toed on the pier of the lake, a shimmy to shake.

Feeling good. How do you feel? I feel with my fingers tap tap tap on a keyboard not to need a nap. REM sleep at anytime anywhere, but to always be alert beware. 

A scarf around the neck a baboushka a bonnet a hat. Do you have a hat? Yes! Thanks for asking. I tie the scarf under my chinny chin chin, warm ears warm throat, a head not to catch a cold feeling bold. 

Typing frolicking, sucking butterscotch candies not drinking scotch. Hop scotch for kids, polo not polio. A recess in the playground for a teacher to play, catch this ball don't throw it away, toss it back on a trip not a trip as in to fall, yes, I caught the ball.  

Swimming in our imaginary minds mindfully crossing a canal a river a lake an ocean, green seas, not drowning no mistake. Kids in the car games we play: memorize car license plate numbers, a plus addition subtract them multiply. Money multiplying, how? You save it. 

A beautiful butterfly flying over butter cream chocolate cake frosting a spatula to suck through the open window flitting the black and orange butterfly a Queen Elizabeth Monarch. An Ark to open and close a dog with Pit Bull jaws to open and close. An Ark a dog's bark. 

A red car blue car family vacation trip, thanks Mommy, we love you tasting sweetness of a sweet sugared lip. A fun family vacation with a hotel vacancy. Sweetness starry-eyed looking good feeling good.