Sunday, September 22, 2019


Pomegranates, supposedly the fruit on the tree with Adam and Eve. The jews say it was not an apple. Not Red Delicious? I question this propaganda because the pomegranate has a very bitter white area that is next to the seeds, if there was this bitterness, Eve would not have offered it to Adam, she would have thrown it into the garbage where it belongs. 

Why as white which is the color of purity these fruits have this bitter taste? Are they trying to say that white purity is not good? Horseradish instead? A hot spicy food additive, that is all it is. No reason to fear these hot foods, after eating these hot foods put warm water on your tongue and this bitterness will dissipate. There is nothing to be afraid of. We need to go on and to tolerate these food additives, until we report them to the government and then they will become illegal.

Bakonettes is a food a pork rind that causes choking! It is still on the market, it must be removed and become illegal. There is Jay's pork rind that is good, no choking. Well, have a delicious day of eating these pork tenderloins and pork chops pork rinds. 

Love what you eat, digest a friend not a foe.

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