Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Our eyesight, to take a driver's test to drive a vehicle car at the age of ninety years old, perfect perfection not affliction not fiction, not leprosy, eyes that work with a glare that perpetuates goodness, an eye for an eye, justice, a nice good glaze, a glaze of the icing on a cake, angel's food cake or devil's food. It is your choice, a cake that makes the man. Man or mouse. Is there a Mighty Mouse? He as a mouse is bigger and better than a man. Why? He is adorable and also of Herculean strength. 

His eyes? Yes, he has hungry eyes. What is he hungry for? He is hungry for truth, not deception, to not be able to trust because of people who disguise themselves. You have Black skin but a White mother. Who do you know how to relate to, a White female like your mother. The dark genes are the dominant genetics, the blue eyes are recessive genetics. Dominant being the aggressive genes, eyes that penetrate, that purposely want to stare you down. He says "Don't look me in the eyes." So you wear a Hamsa also known as Hamza that is supposed to be stronger than someone's eye gaze, a head with an open palm with an eye, an evil eye in the middle. 

Whose eyes did you inherit? Your grandma's your mom's your dad's? The iris of one and the pupil of another, someone else's cornea? So, now you are diagnosed with Glaucoma. What to do as you are now Helen Keller.

Morse code, Braille, eye implants at the age of eighty-eight. She said she is old and she died a year later. To instead have a young mindset, a person who plays as we play with our children. To give birth to a girl who acts like a boy, to then have had Siamese Twins? A clean navel in your tummy, wash behind the ears. Do you wear a hat? Does your hair cover your ears? I wear a Bob style hair-do. So do you. We are not one we are two too yours truly sweet heart.

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