Friday, October 4, 2019


The name, or lion's mane Naomi in Hebrew means pleasantness really pleasant'less. There is a double sh'va vowel in it that is a stutter sound as if Ni'iomi. Not to speak this name without a frightened stutter. Who was she and why?

She was the mother-in-law of the Jewish convert Ruth, whose husband died, Naomi's son. Ruth wanted to remain with Naomi but Naomi was bitter and did not want anything to do with Ruth, until Ruth promised to give Naomi all her money after she was slaving in the field for a king who she finally married. This king wanted her to sleep at his feet! Ruth was the grandmother of King David by his father's side. They do not know King David's mother, whether she was Jewish or not, not written information in the Torah.

So after Ruth bore Naomi a child she was no longer bitter. And after Ruth gave her every penny she owned, Ruth was no longer bitter, the Jewish female roles in modern times are to convert Gentiles into Jews. There are domestic abuse shelters Jewish-owned that have "Naomi Shelters", warehouses filled with single or married but abused girls who Naomi counselors hide from their boyfriends who are hurting them. These shelters have bed bugs and rats, rat poison dishes at the headboards of the beds.

So when these abused women are "rescued" from these abusive men, they must in turn pay money all their money to a Naomi who often have the occupation as a therapist. A person who hooks the abused females into their expensive occupation, also occupational therapists.

Think twice? No think thrice!!!

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