Wednesday, March 14, 2018


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The color green. Why is there so much dissension and discussion about the color green?

What do we see in our lives that are the color green and why are these things green, all the creatures, animals, plants, etc. being green, as in the infamous being Green With Envy!

Why are sea monsters green? Why are teeth that are decayed and dirty, green? Why is mold, the plant that grows on dead trees the color green? We say "He has moldy green teeth." The color of money, the bills are all the color green. So they say "Money is the root of all evil". A Snake? There are harmless small Green Garden Snakes. But they are annoying and serve no purpose other than to frighten the gardener!

Green grass? It grows but then it withers, it becomes chaff. A plant that hibernates in the winter turning from green to yellow. If one is homeless, he can walk down the streets of his town and be tempted to eat the greens in the trees or plants, but finding it all to be bitter, not digestible. To pluck a leaf off a tree, to bite it in your mouth and to find it has a horrible taste. and to then spit it out! Seeing greens everywhere that have these horrible tastes! Rabbits? They can eat it. We as humans cannot. So these green plants tempt us, but deceitfully turn us down, green everywhere but no green to eat! Getting hungrier by the minute as you walk, tripping, without a home to rest yourself.

The Jewish Holy Kabbalah titled "The Zohar", tells us that green is the color of evil. Why so? I think it is because most items that are green are indigestible and they tempt us to eat them but we cannot do so.

But what about water? Is water green or is it blue? Let's give it a happy medium, to say the water is a grand royal turquoise. There is Sea Green and Ocean Blue. It just depends on how the waves pick up the reflection of the color of the skies on the surface of the water, sparkling it up like silver as the light dances on its waves. Can we color a river green and claim it is a Patrick's Day green? Not if the water is originally blue. Changing it is an action of deceit, the water was not green in its origin.

Coveting, stealing, it is all about green. Green with jealousy and stealing green cash money. Your neighbor's backyard being greener in color than yours and coveting all your neighbor's property.

The military, the defense corp., greenish khaki uniforms, green as evil to fight others who are green with evil. An eye for an eye. St. Patrick's Day green, a way to say green is good. St. Patrick was said to have converted all the "snakes" (being the color green) in Ireland. Using the Evergreen trees at Christmas time to say the trees that are always green and do not change color are the "good" trees. Notice the sharp pierce needles on Evergreens, to stab and to poke, a tree not a peaceful tree, a tree to be in war.

Green sunglasses, a way to shade the eyes from fierce sunlight. Not to see your eyes, a mystery, what do you have to hide?

Fruits before they ripen are the color green. They mature into another color: yellow, red, orange. When the fruit is green it cannot be eaten.

Tigers are said to have green eyes. To look into a tiger's green eyes is to stare him down into a state of submission. The tiger is frightened and shrinks back and will not attack you. This is how tigers are trained in circuses. There are people born with green eyes, instead of saying his eyes are green, we say his eyes are "hazel".

The kingdom of the Wizard of Oz is said to be "emerald green". Emeralds being a precious stone, a jewel. The word JEWEL can be seen as the Jewish People and EL after Jew, to be as JewEL, the EL as a word for the Name of Gd.

To change or convert the color green to be a beautiful blue like the skies and ocean, to grow a green garden of vegetables, and making sure you are eating Vegan, Vegan eating is a Kosher cuisine. Loving the color green as your cholesterol level becomes healthy again! Giant salads with all the trimmings, a green that is not a sickly green, instead a permanent light green that satiates the appetite. To eat Kosher foods and not to have an appetite anymore, not to hunger.

Foods that are good. Plants that are good. Gd will tell us what to eat and what not to eat if you have any questions, the answer is in The Bible, The Torah. Bible being just another word for TORAH.

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