Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Image result for lamb

Can you pretend for a minute? Take time off to be something someone who you are not, to become someone/thing who you would love to be? To take on an identity of holy Torah animals, the offerings of the good animals that were fed to Gd and to the Priests? 

One thing for sure is that if you are this holy animal about to become a sin-offering, you can absolutely have NO blemishes. Do you have a rash? Hydro-cortisone lotion must be applied to the affected area. Whallah! It then disappears after a week or two and you then become considered "pure" enough for even Gd to eat. To leave a morsel of food on your plate as you eat some for your own sustenance but also leave some for Gd. To pray aloud in Hebrew prayers before you eat and then Gd will be happy to eat with you. Find a chair for Gd that is fit for a King and for Elijah and then you can feed yourself and them.

A bull? Ever hear about a "Bull in a China shop"? A goat? Not to mix the meat of a kid [goat] with its Mother's milk. (Which goes for all animals.) A lamb? Not to worship this lamb [ram] no matter how hard someone urges you to do so!! Instead to cook Lamb Stew! Pigeon? To slaughter it for a meal. How? To snip a snap at its neck! To swing it around your head three times. To bless it before you eat it. To sing the blessings aloud.

Meat? Okay to eat if it is processed as Kosher meat and if you do not mix it with dairy products. Dairy may be eaten after you eat the meat but not before. If before, one must wait four hours before eating the meat. Why? Gd says so. That is reason enough. It is a Commandment in our Torah, and so we obey it to stay holy.

Blood must not be left in the meat, we must not eat the fat of the offering, we must not eat "round" meat which includes pot roast. Not to eat the meat at the back end of a bull. Brisket? Okay. It is located in the front of the bull in its chest area. We cannot eat of the back hip of the bull because Jacob was injured there when wrestling with an angel and so we empathize with Jacob's pains.

So, as we eat and indulge in these holy meals with Gd as our eating partner. We can ask Gd to forgive our transgressions. To take an afternoon nap after lunch and to ask Gd to visit us in our sleep.

If you are human, and not a bull, goat, lamb, or pigeon, it's okay. As humans we look identical to what Gd looks like, we are made in His image. Look into the mirror and wash your hands with and then without soap. Smile at yourself in this mirror and so connect with Gd as you please yourself with this cheerful countenance, and please Gd because you look just like Him!

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